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Adding TeleradiologyHUB to your whitelist and contacts

Sometimes our emails end up in your spam folders, which is super annoying and non-productive. That's why we've created a tutorial on adding our noreply email address to your trusted contacts for the 4 largest webmail providers.


When you use Gmail, you need to add the address to your Google contacts. Here’s how:

  1. In your Google account, click on the service overview and open Contacts
  2. In Contacts, click on New contact
  3. Fill in the name and email address
  4. Google automatically saves the contact


Adding our address to Yahoo contacts is easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. In your Yahoo account, click on New contact
  2. Fill in the necessary details
  3. Click on Save



In you can add us to your People:

  1. Click on the services overview and open People
  2. Create a new contact
  3. Fill in our details
  4. Click on Save



If you use iCloud as webmail, you can add us to your Contacts by following these steps:

  1. In iCloud, go to Contacts
  2. Click on the + sign to create a new contact
  3. Fill in our details
  4. Click on Done




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