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Are Radiologists covered under the Professional indemnity Insurance ?

We advise all our Radiologists to insure themselves, but we cannot force them. Once, registered as a Member, you would…

We advise all our Radiologists to insure themselves, but we cannot force them. Once, registered as a Member, you would be able check the Radiologists who are covered / not covered under the Professional indemnity insurance.

0 answers2333 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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Who is responsible for the Medico-legal issue ?

The signing Radiologist is responsible for his/her reports. In no circumstances, TeleradiologyHub is responsible as we are a service provider…

The signing Radiologist is responsible for his/her reports. In no circumstances, TeleradiologyHub is responsible as we are a service provider connecting Hospital/Diagnostic centers to the Radiologist.

0 answers1966 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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How do you calculate TAT ?

In general, TAT is calculated from the moment the case is uploaded to our server to the Report status becomes…

In general, TAT is calculated from the moment the case is uploaded to our server to the Report status becomes Ready to Print with few exception like when detailed history, old investigation reports or required sequences not included during case submission.

0 answers2315 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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What is your TAT ?

TAT (Turn around Time) is different for Standard and Premium Packages.

TAT (Turn around Time) is different for Standard and Premium Packages.

0 answers1815 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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In case, we or our client /patient lost the report, can we re-print the report ?

Yes, we store all your reports on our cloud server for easy retrieval of old reports. The reports are stored…

Yes, we store all your reports on our cloud server for easy retrieval of old reports. The reports are stored till your active membership.

0 answers1821 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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How do you match with our own Letterhead, considering different Diagnostic set up have different size and design of the Report Letterhead ?

As part of the initial registration process, you need to upload soft copy of your Letterhead mentioning the size of…

As part of the initial registration process, you need to upload soft copy of your Letterhead mentioning the size of the Paper (A4 / A5) and length of Header / Footer. Our technical team will then customize PDF report as per your letterhead configuration.

0 answers1834 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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Where would I get Report through Email or Link ?

Once the report is ready, you would be immediately notified through an Email. You simply need to login to our…

Once the report is ready, you would be immediately notified through an Email. You simply need to login to our website and Download the Report.

0 answers1707 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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