Start your own Teleradiology Services from any location of your choice.
No commitment of time or location.
We as Radiologist often come across the situation where we feel the need of second opinion on some complicated or rare case. As a Member of TeleradiologyHUB, you can get it reported by another Specialist.
For eg If you get a MRI case of some rare cardiac disorder which you have not seen or confident to report, you can get it reported by one of the onBoard Cardiac Radiologist.
Joining as a Teleradiologist is FREE
Rs995 /for LifeTime
USD19.95 /for LifeTime
We are a quality and technology savvy company. We have developed our own RIS based on the input from our radiologists.
Radiologist friendly platform.
Top ranking on Google search. We are continuously ranking high for Teleradiology services on Google search engine.
Satisfied clients across 18+ countries.
Empowering individual radiologist to start own TeleServices through in-house developed innovative platform.
Radiologist first priority.