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Case Submission

What about security and Privacy of the uploaded images ?

We are using highest security features where all images are encrypted. The images are only accessible to the assigned reporting…

We are using highest security features where all images are encrypted. The images are only accessible to the assigned reporting Doctor. Images are auto-deleted from our Server within 1 week.

0 answers1963 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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What information do we need to submit while uploading the study ?

Patient Name Age & Gender Date & Time of Study Hospital Registration ID Brief relevant history like present complaints, past…
  1. Patient Name
  2. Age & Gender
  3. Date & Time of Study
  4. Hospital Registration ID
  5. Brief relevant history like present complaints, past history, past investigations reports (if any).
  6. Referring Doctor Name
  7. Modality (Xray / CT / MRI), type of test (Plain / Contrast /Screening) and Part (Brain / Neck / LS spine ...).
  8. Dicom images in Zip format.
  9. Old CT / MRI reports and images (jpg, jpeg, gif format) for comparative study, when required.
  10. Phone no. of Patient (optional) to receive update notification when Report is ready.
0 answers1750 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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I have added multiple studies of different Patients in one Zip File. Is this allowed ?

No. It is not allowed to upload a single Zip file containing Dicom images of different patients.

No. It is not allowed to upload a single Zip file containing Dicom images of different patients.

0 answers1875 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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What is maximum permissible size of the Dicom Zip file ?

At present, the maximum upload size allowed is up to 200MB.

At present, the maximum upload size allowed is up to 200MB.

0 answers1944 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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In what format we need to submit images ?

Dicom images compressed in Zip format.

Dicom images compressed in Zip format.

0 answers1785 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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How to submit cases ?

We have developed an extremely user friendly system to upload cases. Our Technical team will train your staff on how…

We have developed an extremely user friendly system to upload cases. Our Technical team will train your staff on how to use our platform.

0 answers1788 viewsPosted 7 years ago
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