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Locum Radiologist

Locum means “to hold one’s place” in Latin refers to temporary short-and long-term placements to cover urgent needs, when local Radiologist on Leave (due to planned / unplanned reason), supplement existing Radiologists during unanticipated or seasonal spikes in volume.

I am Radiologist and looking for Locum during my short period leave. Can I avail this Service.

Yes! Locum radiology service is available for all and FREE with absolutely no time, location or any other restrictions. 

Yes! Locum radiology service is available for all and FREE with absolutely no time, location or any other restrictions. 

0 answers1720 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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What about Payment to the Radiologist

Our is Prepaid system, where you have to recharge your Online Wallet at TeleradiologyHUB account for minimum of 5000 Rs.…

Our is Prepaid system, where you have to recharge your Online Wallet at TeleradiologyHUB account for minimum of 5000 Rs. The amount for every reported case will be deducted and immediately credited to the Radiologist account on per case basis. 

0 answers1784 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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I have just created a new Job for Locum. What next

Our staff checks the availability of Radiologist, if selected while Job listing creation. If Radiologist agrees for the Job, you…

Our staff checks the availability of Radiologist, if selected while Job listing creation. If Radiologist agrees for the Job, you can immediately start uploading the cases. Our staff will help to create personalised account for you (Account Section) and another for your Technician to upload cases. 

0 answers1701 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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What are charges for your Locum Service

We do not charge any commission or service charges for the Locum recruitment. It is completely FREE. 

We do not charge any commission or service charges for the Locum recruitment. It is completely FREE. 

0 answers1797 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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How to recruit Locum Radiologist

Visit our Job Section : Click on: Add New Job Fill form with all required details Select single or…
  1. Visit our Job Section :
  2. Click on: Add New Job 
  3. Fill form with all required details
  4. Select single or multiple Radiologist(s) from OUR RADIOLOGISTS
  5. Submit


0 answers1732 viewsPosted 6 years ago
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