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Personal brand is similar to a corporate brand, Just as a company’s brand helps to communicate its value to customers and stand out from the competition, a personal branding plays a major role in generating opportunities, beating competition and getting rid of petty hurdles. Creating a brand in a profession remains a far fetched goal for a health professional, especially a Radiologist. However your name has a value-perception of your skills. Alike a league or a corporate brand, you stand out in the gathering.

One of the most important aspects of personal branding is making sure your online presence is engaging to the visitors, colleagues, and others—even if you’re not on the job hunt. In today's digital World, it is very important for every Radiologist to build own personal brand.

Strictly, only those photos taken during Medical Event or Conference are allowed. Ensure you were delivering a lecture or presenting a paper or from your award ceremony. This way we will be able to celebrate your success and grand ideas.

Go ahead and upload your recently taken pictures that speaks your professional inside !

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