
The rare and exceptional cases reported by you during your Radiology practice is like a powerful image portfolio.

A collection of good cases exemplifies your skills, education, qualifications, training and experience. It presents an insight into your work. Overall, you can say it represents you. Artists, interior designers, graphic designers, writers, teachers, architects, and others in visual professions have been documenting their work in portfolios for years. Today, any professional including Doctors must start building a portfolio.

Every Radiologist must have a great Cases portfolio due to the growing demand for Tele-reporting and Second Opinion. Radiology field is vast, includes many sub-specialities like Neuroradiology, Cardiac imaging, Muscuoskeletal etc. Often potential clients base their decision if they should hire you for Tele-reporting. 


The importance of a great Case portfolio

  • Demonstrate your skills – 

Your potential clients need proof that you have enough experience what it takes to report complicated case for them. 

  • Building trust – 

Your potential client will develop a sense of trust once he/she sees your high quality work

  • Personal branding – 
    In today’s environment, the competition in the medical field is fiercely competitive. It is not enough to create a website, place some directory listings and hope that people will magically find your practice. If you want to establish trust with patients before they ever come in, building a personal brand is a great way.


What do you put in a Cases portfolio?

Any MRI / CT / USG / Xray cases that demonstrates your accomplishments and abilities should go into your portfolio. Think you don’t have anything to put in a portfolio? Think again. What rare, classical or complicated have you reported on recently or over the years? Select some of such cases, and add it to your portfolio.


How do I create Cases Portfolio 

Visit following url for more info




Reasons for Case Rejection and Solution Code Reason Solution P01 Previously PublishedCase with same images & content is published or…

Reasons for Case Rejection and Solution

Code Reason Solution
P01 Previously Published
Case with same images & content is published or under review in other website or Journal
Upload a new case with different images & content
P02 Inappropriate Images
Reasonable text, but images are of poor quality, are inappropriate, or are incorrectly interpreted. 
Upload new images with good quality images.
 P03  Incomprehensible Writing or Poorly presented
The text content bad grammar, spelling / typo errors, and or missing important details like clinical history, relevant past history or supportive investigations details.
 Edit Case and rectify errors. 
 P04  Lack of Significance
Do not contribute to any knowledge or interest to the reader. 
 Upload a new case.
 P05  Incomplete Case
Missing important details like presentation, history, imaging findings or images.
 Edit Case & make changes.
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Follow these guidelines for case submission. Publish original work which is neither been published or under review in other journals.…

Follow these guidelines for case submission.

  • Publish original work which is neither been published or under review in other journals.
  • Copying the content from published articles from other websites or online / offline journals are not acceptable. 
  • Publishing a duplicate article which is already published in other journals or website also not acceptable.
  • Plagiarism of images or text is absolutely unacceptable.
  • All content must be anonymize so that the identity of the patient to whom the content relates is not reasonably identifiable.
  • Permission to upload the case from your institution should be obtained. 


  • Images should be cropped appropriately.
  • Text overlays, watermark, patient identity and name/logo of institution or any kind of identification not accepted. 
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How to upload Case

Login to your TeleradiologyHUB Account. Login link is available at top right side of every webpage. Browse to www.teleradiologyhub.com/pixel Click…
  1. Login to your TeleradiologyHUB Account. Login link is available at top right side of every webpage. 
  2. Browse to www.teleradiologyhub.com/pixel
  3. Click on 'Add new Case'
  4. Enter relevant case details, information and images.
  5. Submit 
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