Hill Sach's and Perthe's lesion

contributed by: Dr. Amit Mishra


Focal depression on postero-lateral aspect of glenoid head with adjacent mild marrow edema and mild amount of fluid.
Anteroinferior glenoid labrum appears torn and separated from the glenoid rim along with detached lifted up periosteal sleeve at 3-5 O’clock position.
There is mild glenohumeral joint effusion.
Mild amount of fluid is seen in subcoracoid bursa, subdeltoid bursa and around biceps tendon.
Hill Sach's and Perthe's lesion
Dr. Amit Mishra DNB is a Consultant Radiologist from with experience of 1-2 year post-graduated from Apollo Main Hospital, Chennai. Specialized in Reporting of X-RAYS , CT-SCAN , MRI , MAMMOGRAM cases with expertise in Neuro-imaging , Musculoskeletal , Joints , Trauma , Stroke-imaging
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