Lemmel's syndrome

contributed by: Dr. Anitha Sreekanth


CBD is mildly dilated, measures 9mm.
Well defined thin walled lesion in periampullary region with air fluid level measuring ~3.5 x 2.8cm communicating with duodenum.
CBD distally displaced -medially by the lesion and main pancreatic duct mildly displaced anteriorly.
Major papilla likely situated within the diverticula on medial aspect - type I.
Mild Dilatation Of CBD And Prominent Pancreatic Duct, Secondary To Periampullary Diverticulum, ? Lemmel’s Syndrome.
Dr. Anitha Sreekanth DNB is a Consultant Radiologist from with experience of 9-10 years post-graduated from DNB, Vikram Hospital. Specialized in Reporting of X-RAYS , CT-SCAN , MRI , MAMMOGRAM cases with expertise in Neuro-imaging , Spine-imaging , Musculoskeletal , Joints , Stroke-imaging
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