Peroneus longus tear with retraction and Os peroneum split fracture-dislocation

contributed by: Teleradiologyhub


There is subcentimeter-sized well-corticated ossicle at lateral aspect of the head of calcaneum suggestive of avulsed & displaced Os peroneum component.
Another similar but tiny sized ossicle is seen near inferolateral aspect of the cuboid bone, likely represent residual portion of Os peroneum. It shows diffuse increased signal on PDFS images indicating marrow edema.
The peroneus longus is attached to it, but appears edematous and retracted with surrounding soft tissue edema.
Focal swelling and edema of peroneus longus tendon at the level of distal fibular metaphysis with minimal fluid filled distension of the peroneal synovial sheath is also noted. Peroneus brevis tendon is intact.
Type II peroneus longus tear with retraction and Os peroneum split fracture-dislocation.
Teleradiologyhub FRCR , MD , DNB , MNAMS is a Assistant Professor from with experience of 11-15 years post-graduated from Tata Hospital, Parel. Specialized in Reporting of CT-SCAN , MRI cases with expertise in Neuro-imaging , Spine-imaging , Musculoskeletal , Stroke-imaging
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