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Virtual Clinical Radiology Associate: An Emerging Career in Radiology

Virtual Radiologist as Personal Virtual Assistant

Unforeseen events happen to everyone which is why it is important to have someone trustworthy that will look after your work when you are away. There are instances wherein senior radiologists need to take some time off for their family, for health reasons and the like. They need assistance from virtual clinical radiology associates to keep their practice afloat while they tend to other things.

Virtual clinical radiology associates are important in keeping hospitals and diagnostic centers up and running. They provide senior radiologists virtual backup and reporting services. They work hand in hand with senior radiologists to go over cases and make reports. When senior radiologists find themselves swamped with too many cases or when something urgent come up that they have to care of first, virtual clinical radiology associates help make reports by analyzing medical diagnostic image studies and drafting them. 

All the senior radiologist has to do now is to browse through the images and double check the reports they made. These reports will be dispatched with the senior radiologist's own signature.

This job was born from a need of senior radiologists for assistance in their work. Not all hospitals, private clinics and diagnostic centers can afford to hire multiple senior radiologists at one time. Hospitals and diagnostic centers also have to consider the volume of patient cases they handle. Hiring a new radiologist will need a lot of funding. They have to take into consideration if the patient case volumes are enough to merit hiring another senior radiologist.

This thriving new career is quickly emerging as a viable medical solution for both radiologists and diagnostic centers. It makes it easier for senior radiologists to tend to their personal matters and avoid getting swamped by a huge volume of patient cases. It is also a very good job opportunity for radiologists who have just graduated. It saves hospitals and clinics a lot of money, because they don't need to hire more radiologists.

Being a senior radiologist entails a lot of job responsibilities. One of the advantages of hiring a virtual clinical radiology associate is that it lets senior radiologists focus on other important tasks.

Senior radiologists need to examine mountains of medical diagnostic imaging such as x-ray films, computed tomography scans, mammograms, ultrasound and magnetic imaging scans. In some areas, they also operate the machines that are used to collect the images. Hiring virtual clinical radiology associates also makes the workload easier and increases the overall efficiency for radiologists. It frees up some time for senior radiologists, so they can direct their attention to other things without worrying about how it may add to or distract them from their work.

There are also perks that come for radiologist who decide they want to be virtual clinical radiology associates. Radiologists who take this job position have the freedom to decide whether they want to do it on a full-time basis or just part-time. Radiologists working in diagnostic centers with a low patient volume than most centers who are willing to put in a few hours every week for extra work find that a career in teleradiology is very beneficial to them.

Taking a career in this field will mean that radiologists will get to earn additional income apart from what they earn from their regular jobs. Working for a few hours would already help supplement their income. If radiologists find that what they normally earn is not enough to pay their bills or if they want a few extra cash to buy a car, a house or go on a trip, they can take up an extra job and work a few hours per week in the field of teleradiology.

Another perk in working as a virtual clinical radiology associate is the knowledge they can gain from the experience. Working in this position will mean that radiologists can work with a lot of senior radiologists from all over the world. They are also at a liberty to choose which fields they want to work in. This means that they will have the opportunity to exercise their knowledge in skills in varies of field of radiology they don't usually encounter in their practice. Associates are tasked to analyze draft reports for senior radiologists. This allows them to continually practice their clinical eye and spot important things on medical images.

This job holds a lot of important learning opportunities for radiologists for new radiologists and radiologists who want to develop their skills and knowledge.

The job of a radiology associate gives them access to numerous patient cases all over the world—each case with a story to tell and a lesson to teach. Radiologists agree that experience is the best teacher and this job is a great way to gain experience.

This job offers benefits to both people who apply for them and people who hire them. It is a win-win situation which makes this job so very attractive at this point in time. Hiring both senior radiologists and junior radiologists is not possible especially for hospitals and clinics with a very limited budget. It can also be hard for hospitals and clinics located in rural areas to hire radiologists to come work for them. Especially now that the importance of medical imaging is increasing, there is also an increasing demand for radiologists.

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Comments 6

Guest - Dr Arti Sehgal on Wednesday, 23 May 2018 13:54

I am Senior Radiologist practicing in the town place of Himachal Pradesh. It was big panic moment when my single daughter decided to get married. I wanted a break for two months for marriage preparation. But, as I had recently started new MRI centre, I was not willing to leave Radiology reporting to others. Moreover, the case volume of Patients was less to hire a full time radiologist. Also, none of my known Radiologists were willing to join for such a short interval period.

Then I contacted Teleradiologyhub Team to help me in this situation. After listening to my requirements, they advised to go for Clinical Associate where preliminary report will be drafted by one of the Junior Radiologist. They then contacted one of young Radiologist who has Ultrasound sonography medical setup and was looking for MRI exposure in free time. He agreed and happily took responsibility to provide virtual backup and reporting services for entire two months.

I don't have words to thank Team of for such great support at personal level. Please keep it up good work.

I am Senior Radiologist practicing in the town place of Himachal Pradesh. It was big panic moment when my single daughter decided to get married. I wanted a break for two months for marriage preparation. But, as I had recently started new MRI centre, I was not willing to leave Radiology reporting to others. Moreover, the case volume of Patients was less to hire a full time radiologist. Also, none of my known Radiologists were willing to join for such a short interval period. Then I contacted Teleradiologyhub Team to help me in this situation. After listening to my requirements, they advised to go for Clinical Associate where preliminary report will be drafted by one of the Junior Radiologist. They then contacted one of young Radiologist who has Ultrasound sonography medical setup and was looking for MRI exposure in free time. He agreed and happily took responsibility to provide virtual backup and reporting services for entire two months. I don't have words to thank Team of for such great support at personal level. Please keep it up good work.
TeleradiologyHUB on Wednesday, 30 May 2018 13:54

Thank you Ma'am, for your feedback. We are more than glad to help you.

Thank you Ma'am, for your feedback. We are more than glad to help you.
Guest - Dr. Sabeeha Gul on Wednesday, 30 May 2018 15:42

May i know that, is the virtual Clinical radiology associate a job that pays? And how do i become an associate ?

May i know that, is the virtual Clinical radiology associate a job that pays? And how do i become an associate ?
TeleradiologyHUB on Friday, 01 June 2018 14:28

Yes! It is paid Job.

We pass on entire amount paid for Reporting of Xray / CT / MRI (as mutually agreed between both parties), except for 5-10% our service charges / Govt Tax.

The blog is updated with information on how to become an Associate.

Yes! It is paid Job. :) We pass on entire amount paid for Reporting of Xray / CT / MRI (as mutually agreed between both parties), except for 5-10% our service charges / Govt Tax. The blog is updated with information on how to become an Associate.
Guest - Dr Pawan S on Thursday, 31 May 2018 14:20

What are the formalities do i need to fulfill to become a Clinical Radiology Associate?

What are the formalities do i need to fulfill to become a Clinical Radiology Associate?
Guest - ashishhem on Wednesday, 06 November 2019 15:14

i am glad to tell you that you have written best article for teleradiology please make it more shareable.

i am glad to tell you that you have written best article for teleradiology please make it more shareable.
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