An MRI brain scan also shows brain lesions. A lesion is a distinctive spot in the MRI Image that has different and measurable light intensity and looks dissimilar to adjoining parts. Magnetic resonance creates such a difference of light for different tissues or boney parts. If the spot is identified in the brain, it is called brain lesions. Accordingl to Expert Second Opinion Panel at," The reason for brain lesions could vary from case to case. Example: Brain lesions may be present due to multiple sclerosis or it could be result of an infection or presence of tumor".
MRI brain lesions are widely present due to following actions:
A. Infections
B. Brain tumors
C. Stroke
D. Hemorrhage
E. Ear, Eye, or Nose, Neck, or Throat Problem
F. Hormonal Imbalance
G. Development Abnormalities
H. Aneurysm
I. Others
The viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites affect us, affect various internal areas of the body. It is also possible to catch infections in the brain, spinal cord, or the surrounding area as we get infected in respiratory tracks or lungs. Most infections are deadly if not diagnosed and treated on time. MRI Brain depicts a complex arrangement of tissues with the play for magnetic resonance hence its provides a great challenge for radiologist to read out confirmatively nature of MRI spectrum sprouting lesions due to infection-vthat necessitates second review of the images.
Brain tumors can be of two kinds: malignant or benign. IF there is a tumor in the brain, MRI scanning gives the early view. The images then are interpreted by fellow radiologists who make a report for the consultant. From other tumors of the body, the level of complexities involved in brain tumors and their properties is very high. Hence MRI interpretation needs a second opinion in case of brain tumor.
Brains can go through changes over a period of time or due to blood pressure inside or due to other contextual reasons. It gives a brain stroke. It needs a stroke assessment to understand the changes in the brain. A particular MRI protocol is developed that groups typical MRI sequences to know brain ischemia. CT scan could be an alternate choice to know the brain ischemia.
Hemorrhage is Bleeding in the brain. The bleeding is dynamic activity that could be best possible seen through MRI sequences. The MRI has variables right from amount of blood to constituents of blood and state of intra and extracellular conditions. MRI technology is evolving in detecting even acute bleeding in the brain. Stokes are important to be treated early hence it requires diligent image reading that also needs experience.
MRI gives the view of Infections or disorders in Ear or Eye or Throat. MRI Ear useful in knowing the extent of hearing loss (Meniere or tinnitus disease) and other structural abnormalities . MRI Orbit or Eyes also provides a picture of complex infections (Grave's disease) , optic neuritis or causes of vision loss, autoimmune process involving the orbital tissue due to Thyroid. Neck MRI reveals any structural changes inside and also provides a view of differentiated soft tissues at all levels.
Hormonal Imbalance in Females and males are differently presented and studied with radiology techniques. The most of the reasons could be sedentary lifestyle and occupational stress. There are various kinds of tests to diagnose a hormonal imbalance. Most source of hormonal imbalance lies in pituitary gland, uterus, testicles, ovaries, and thyroid that can be tested using ultrasound or X-ray or MRI. However it needs good expertise to read MRI imaging for such changes.
There are stages of brain formation. Neuro-pediatric radiologists can see brain development with the help of MRI and it is also possible in babies to detect anomalies during brain formation. This could be possible with myelination and T1 and T2 relaxation times.
MRI helps clinicians to know related parenchymal changes and hemorrhagic issues. MRI helps to find abdominal aortic aneurysms, cerebral aneurysms and other kinds. It also helps us in finding vascular malformations. The careful study of MRI Images can help us prepare for changes and treat the minor or major bleeding. The reason could be anything.
MRI is slowly showing great advantage in studying regions of the body and knowing the constitution of structure of internal areas with non-invasive technique before biopsy. In many cases avoiding invasive biopsy. There are several imaging sequences and protocol developed over last decade to capture the essential nature of the brain activity and structure.
In conclusion, It needs a combination of good imaging and good interpretation skills to report in MRI Images therefore there is always a need for reporting skills- now with TeleradiologyHub those could be imported online here: Expert Second Opinion for MRI, CT Scan PET CT and Xrays ( You can always choose the experts you want.