Abdomen & Pelvis : Plain

Without IV contrast. 

FSE, SE and STIR Techniques.

T1W, T2W & 3D SPGR axial.

T2W sagittal.

T1 and T2W coronal.


The prostate gland is normal in size. The peripheral zone of the prostate gland reveals normal hyperintensity. There is no evidence of breach of the prostatic capsule. The surgical capsule is intact. Neurovascular bundle and periprostatic fat appears normal. The fat plane between the prostate and rectum is intact.


The seminal vesicles are unremarkable.


There is no hypertrophy of bladder wall noted. The urinary bladder appears unremarkable.


The pelvic floor muscles are intact. 


The signal intensity of pubic bones and visualized portion of the pelvic girdle is normal. 


Both kidneys show normal size. No dilatation of collecting systems seen. Corticomedullary differentiation is well preserved. No obvious hydronephrosis or mass noted.  Peri renal fat is normally visualized.


Liver is normal in size and signal intensity. No focal lesions seen. No biliary radicle dilatation seen. Portal and hepatic veins appear normal.


Gall bladder is normally distended. No obvious calculus, evidence of cholecystitis or mass.


Spleen is normal in size and uniform signal. No evidence of any focal lesion seen.


Pancreas is normal in size and signal intensity. No focal lesion seen.


The aorta and IVC appear normal


No fluid or lymphnode enlargement seen.


No significant abnormality detected.


Kindly correlate clinically and with other investigation.