Plain HRCT of the temporal bones was performed on multislice CT scanner
Right Temporal bone :
Mastoid air cells show normal pneumatization. Soft tissue densities are seen in inferior mastoid air cells, likely debris. No bone erosions or sclerosis. No signs of cholesteatoma or mass lesion. Scutum and Tegmen tympani show no erosions.
Right middle ear cavity shows no abnormal soft tissue densities. Ear ossicles (malleus, incus and stapes) are visualized and appear normal on right side. The attic, epi, hypo and mesotympanum appear normal.
Left Temporal bone :
Mastoid air cells show normal pneumatization. Soft tissue densities are seen in inferior mastoid air cells, likely debris. No bone erosions or sclerosis. No signs of cholesteatoma or mass lesion. Scutum and Tegmen tympani show no erosions.
Left middle ear cavity shows no abnormal soft tissue densities. Ear ossicles (malleus, incus and stapes) are visualized and appear normal on left side. The attic, epi, hypo and mesotympanum appear normal.
Bilateral external ear shows normal morphology. External auditory canal cartilaginous and bony parts appear normal.
Bilateral inner ear structures (vestibule, vestibular / cochlear aqueduct, semicircular canals and cochlea show normal size and morphology. Internal auditory canals show normal diameter. No evidence of stenosis or mass lesion. Facial nerve bony canals show normal course and caliber on both sides.
Bilateral Tegmen tympani, petrous apex, carotid canal and jugular foraminae are normal.