X rays

 An intravenous pyelogram was performed following the intravenous administration of contrast.


Suboptimal bowel preparation with faecal loaded colon obscuring renal shadows and ureter regions. This is limiting the quality of the study. 

The plain survey film of the abdomen does not show any pathologic calcifications overlying the renal contours or bladder visualised. 

Following intravenous infusion of appropriate contrast material, there is prompt symmetrical concentration as noted by nephrograms. No filling defects of the collecting systems are noted on the linear tomograms.

There is normal and symmetrical filling of the caliceal system. Subsequent films demonstrate that the kidneys are of normal size and contour bilaterally.

Bilateral pelvicaliceal system are compact with no significant hydronephrosis.

Both ureters show normal course and calibre. No evidence of hydroureter or filling defect to suggest ureteric calculus. No significant extrinsic compression on both ureters. 

Urinary bladder is well distended and opacified with the contrast on delayed scan. It does not show any filling defect to suggest calculus.

The postvoid film demonstrate normal emptying of the collecting system, including the urinary bladder.

  • No significant abnormality detected in present examination.