Abdomen & Pelvis : Plain & Contrast
CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis has been done with administration of oral and intravenous contrast media.

Liver shows normal size, shape and attenuation. No mass lesion or calcification in the hepatic parenchyma. The porta hepatis is normal. No IHBR or CBD dilatation.

Gall bladder reveals normal lumen and walls with normal size and shape. No mass lesion, calcification or stone is seen within the lumen.

Pancreas appears normal in size and architecture. Pancreatic duct is not dilated.

Spleen is normal in size and architecture. No focal lesion.

Both kidneys reveal normal in size, shape, position and attenuation. No mass lesion, calcification or stone is seen in the renal parenchyma or collecting systems on both sides. No signs of obstructive uropathy are detected.

Both adrenals are visualised normally.

The IVC, aorta and portal vein are within normal position and calibre. No evidence of retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy or ascites.

The visible parts of the bowel loops show no obvious mass lesions or wall thickening. Appendix appears normal.

Urinary bladder reveals normal lumen and walls. No vesical calculi, wall thickening or mass lesion.

Prostate appears normal. / Uterus and both ovaries appear normal. No adnexal pathology.

Visualised osseous structures appear normal. No lytic or sclerotic bony lesion. The extra-abdominal and paraspinal soft tissues are normal.

Lung bases are clear. No basal pleural effusion.

  • No significant abnormality is seen in abdomen and pelvis. 

Suggested : Clinical correlation and further evaluation, if clinically indicated. 

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