Noor Hayder Kadhim Alhaib


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Professional Details


Consultant Radiologist

5-8 years

X-rays, CT Scan, MRI, Mammogram


Few selected hours back up, Evening Time Backup, Sunday Backup

Musculoskeletal, Joints, Trauma, Breast Imaging

I have worked in the field of radiology since 2007. I have had training as senior house officer and registrar in the biggest teaching hospital in Iraq, the Medical City. I have had a supervised training in ultrasonography, CT scan ,MRI and diagnostic radiology during my training years in Training Course in Radiology and the Arab Board of Radiology .

I have worked in the Oncology Hospital/ Medical City as a specialist radiologist , responsible for the radiological investigations of Oncology patients ,including X-ray, Ultasonography , CT scan and MRI , with CT guided FNA and biosy and fluid aspiration .

Also I worked in the Medical City Complex which is 3000 bed teaching centre /Baghdad/Iraq (2007-2021) in renal disease & transplant centre as a specialist radiologist , responsible for radiological investigation for renal & transplant patients’ ultrasonography (including Doppler study , ultrasound guided FNA, biopsy and fluid aspiration) , X rays and contrast studies & 3 days per week in CT and MRI departments of the Medical City Complex .
Skill Set:

1. Breast imaging .
2. Gynaecology and obstetrics imaging .
3. Ultrasonography including vaginal scan .
4. X-rays .
5. MRI and CT reporting (body, neuro, and MSK).
6. Training, leadership and . Good communication skills .
7. Efficient team player with strong interpersonal skills who focused on delivering best care to the patients.

X-rays, CT Scan, MRI, Mammography


Medical City /Baghdad/Iraq

Al Mustansiriyah University / Baghdad /Iraq

FRCR London

General Radilogist

1. 2004 – to date Member of the Iraqi Medical Association.
2. 2013 - to date Member of Iraqi Society of Radiologists
3. 2014 - to date Member of Arab Board of Health Specializations in Radiology and Medical Imaging .
4. 2020 – to date Member of European Society of Radiology ( ESR).
5. 2021 – to date Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologist.

Local Reporting Fee
Modality Test Type Fee
Large Parts
Small Parts
Working Hours
Day Starts Till
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM

Contact for Radiology Tele-reporting.

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