Poster Presentation
1. 2012, Banker H, Prajapati S., Case Report: Cantrell’s Pentalogy associated with Encephalocele & Kyphoses : Diagnosed on Antenatal ultrasound: Poster presented at RIA, 2012, Ahmedabad, India
2. 2012 Banker H, Case Report: A Rare case of Pindborg’s Tumor, Mistaken as an Osteosarcoma, E-Poster presented at IREP, 2012, Vadodara
Oral Presentation
3. Banker H (2012). Statistical Analysis of Congenital Anomalies; Diagnosed on Prenatal Ultrasound. Oral Presentation presented at: FOGSI 2012; Ahmedabad, India.
Research and Publications
1. 2007- Banker H, Project work: Causes of Neonatal deaths in NICU of V.S. General Hospital, Ahmedabad, India
2. 2013-Banker H , Gandhi V, Research work: “ROLE OF COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IN BRAIN INJURY“
3. 2012- Banker H, Shah D, Modi H, Salvi B , Case Report: Extra cranial invasive meningioma of Fronto-Temporo-Parietal region of the skull vault, BMJ Case Rep. 2012, Published online 2012 Feb 28,
4. 2012- Chaudhari H, Gandhi V , Banker H, Suri A, Case Report : Recurrent ectopic pregnancy in a woman suffering from infertility due to male factor presented with heterotopic pregnancy , BMJ Case Rep. 2012, Published online 2012 May 15.
5. 2012- Suthar T, Banker H, Shah M, Thakkar G, Case Report: Splenic infarct with Polysplenia syndrome and Situs Inverses, BMJ Case Rep. 2012; 2012: bcr0220125831. Published online 2012 Jul 27.
6. 2012- Darji P, Banker H, Gandhi V, and Thakkar G, Case Report: Postmenopausal woman with vaginal mass: Do not forget to see for Uterine Inversion, BMJ Case Rep. 2012; 2012: bcr0220125841. Published online 2012 Aug 13.
7. 2013- Chaudhari H, Thakkar G, Gandhi V, Darji P, Banker H, Rajwadi H, original article: Role of ultrasonography in evaluation of orbital lesions. GUJARAT MEDICAL JOURNAL / DECEMBER - 2013 Vol. 68 No. 2, 73-78
8. 2014- Darji P, Thakkar G, Gandhi V, Chaudhari H, Banker H, Ghatala B, Original Article: Role of sonohysterography in evaluation of endometrial pathologies GUJARAT MEDICAL JOURNAL / DECEMBER - 2014 Vol. 69 No. 1, 48-52
9. 2015- Darji P, Gandhi V, Banker H, Chaudhari H, Case Report: Antenatal diagnosis of aneurysmal malformation of the vein of Galen, BMJ Case Rep 2015.
Manuscript submitted for publication in journal:
? 2018- Mammography and sonography co-relation of breast lesions